
Alisa Kotsar

Over the past 7 years, Lean has diligently tracked the progress and transformations in the gambling industry. His distinctive writing style has contributed to the dissemination of important news and updates from the gambling world and clarified important trends in the industry.

Alisa Kotsar

Hi! My name is Alisa Kotsar and I am a poker writer and have a lot of experience in this game. My passion for poker began over twenty years ago when I first sat down at a poker table. Since then, I have dedicated myself to learning the ins and outs of the game, playing in numerous tournaments at different levels, from local competitions to international championships.

Over the years of playing poker, I have not only accumulated considerable experience, but also developed a deep understanding of the psychology of the game, which allows me to analyze my opponents’ behavior and make winning decisions. My gambling expertise is not limited to poker alone, I have also studied various aspects of gambling including probabilities, bankroll management and game strategy in a wide range of casino games.

In my articles, I strive to share not only strategies and playing tips, but also emphasize the importance of responsible play and self-discipline. I believe that success in poker is not only the ability to read cards and opponents, but also the ability to manage yourself and your emotions.

My goal as an author is to help both beginners and experienced players improve their playing skills by providing in-depth analytical articles filled with valuable lessons and personal experiences. I strive to make complex concepts understandable and accessible so that everyone who reads my work can learn to think like a pro and make significant progress in poker.